erkadang if you see others vomiting, spontaneous people also experience nausea and vomiting follow-up want. Does this indicate that vomiting was contagious?
Vomiting is a symptom of the condition of the body that do not fit. Many diseases are characterized by symptoms of vomiting. Still vomiting is not contagious, the condition is called the Sympathetic vomiting. This occurs when the sight, smell or hear the sounds of vomiting caused others to become sick and wanted to vomit.
This incident is quite common in the community and some scientists have thought that this was a sympathetic nature in which it has evolved in man.
Sympathetic vomiting may be seen as a simple reaction to a scene or an unpleasant smell of vomit.
Besides the odor generated when someone vomiting is widely regarded as the worst odor and can cause people nearby to feel nauseous.
As quoted from, Tuesday (22/06/2010) vomiting itself is not a contagious condition and is one of the conditions of the reaction in the body. But if the vomiting is caused by infection penyait, then the infection that can be contagious.
While this may be just a reaction to a pleasant aroma, there is a chance the body has a subconscious reaction to the conditions surrounding them. Another factor is that there is a chance someone has a sensitive stomach.
Some experts argue that the urge to vomit can be controlled by eating certain foods and beverages as well as trying to make the body breathe and relax through meditation.
If a person feels sick, try to slowly consume carbonated beverages, step outside to get fresh air or divert the mind with other activities.
One thing is for sure do not directly exercise or exercising, because some types of conditions that require exertion can trigger nausea.
Rabu, 28 September 2011
For Health, Turn off the lights already blinking
If the lights in the house have started blinking or a harbinger of death should be immediately shut down or replaced. It's for your health, because the blinking lights could potentially emit X-rays that are harmful to the body.
"Blinking light will radiate more power than the lights that remain lit. It also has the potential to emit X-ray radiation," said Dr. Bayu Gede Suparta, researcher and lecturer in the Department of Physics University of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, when contacted detikHealth, Tuesday (22/06/2010).
According to Dr. Bayu, when the lights flashing then there is an event known as bremsstrahlung, ie the term in German for braking radiation.
At the time the lights begin to flicker, the electrons will move at the speed of high energy. But the condition of the lamp is going to die, the electrons will be braked suddenly because mashing metal atoms (copper, copper, iron, aluminum) in the lamp.
Well, when there is comminution of metal atoms that cause X-rays called the X-ray bremsstrahlung. Although X-ray energy emitted is not too large, it still can be harmful to health if left too long.
In physics, electromagnetic theory says that an accelerating electric charge will radiate electromagnetic waves, ranging from the smallest power of radio waves, infrared, visible light, UV, X-rays or gamma rays.
"When the lights are still working normally, the electrons will strike a neon gas serapannya smaller. Because there is not braking, then the emitted energy was low, so that the light emitted is visible or visible as fluorescent lamps," said the lecturer, who also chairs Physics Research Group Image (GRFC) Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM.
The energy of visible light is smaller than the X-ray energy, then the blinking lights that emit X-rays is far more dangerous than the lights continued to burn and emit light.
Although X-ray exposure is not a disease, but its impact is very big because it can lower a person's immune system that makes so easily affected by the disease. X-ray exposure can trigger even suspected cancer risk and make stunted fetal growth.
Dr. Bayu is still active in the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UGM also said that the purple lights should not be used as a lamp of learning.
This is because visible light purple that has a shorter wavelength, even at times almost equal to the wavelength of UV that is harmful to health.
"Blinking light will radiate more power than the lights that remain lit. It also has the potential to emit X-ray radiation," said Dr. Bayu Gede Suparta, researcher and lecturer in the Department of Physics University of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, when contacted detikHealth, Tuesday (22/06/2010).
According to Dr. Bayu, when the lights flashing then there is an event known as bremsstrahlung, ie the term in German for braking radiation.
At the time the lights begin to flicker, the electrons will move at the speed of high energy. But the condition of the lamp is going to die, the electrons will be braked suddenly because mashing metal atoms (copper, copper, iron, aluminum) in the lamp.
Well, when there is comminution of metal atoms that cause X-rays called the X-ray bremsstrahlung. Although X-ray energy emitted is not too large, it still can be harmful to health if left too long.
In physics, electromagnetic theory says that an accelerating electric charge will radiate electromagnetic waves, ranging from the smallest power of radio waves, infrared, visible light, UV, X-rays or gamma rays.
"When the lights are still working normally, the electrons will strike a neon gas serapannya smaller. Because there is not braking, then the emitted energy was low, so that the light emitted is visible or visible as fluorescent lamps," said the lecturer, who also chairs Physics Research Group Image (GRFC) Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM.
The energy of visible light is smaller than the X-ray energy, then the blinking lights that emit X-rays is far more dangerous than the lights continued to burn and emit light.
Although X-ray exposure is not a disease, but its impact is very big because it can lower a person's immune system that makes so easily affected by the disease. X-ray exposure can trigger even suspected cancer risk and make stunted fetal growth.
Dr. Bayu is still active in the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) UGM also said that the purple lights should not be used as a lamp of learning.
This is because visible light purple that has a shorter wavelength, even at times almost equal to the wavelength of UV that is harmful to health.
When Laughter Being Disease Symptoms
Normally people will laugh when I see or hear something funny. But sometimes the laughter can also be a clue as serious medical symptoms. When laughter can be a symptom of a disease?
As long as it is known that laughter is a sign of happiness and can also increase a person's mood for the better.
But if someone was suddenly laughing without any apparent reason, have twitching movements or tics, and looking slightly confused, then it might be shown laughter is one symptom of the disease.
As quoted from HowStuffWorks, Tuesday (22/06/2010) when a person laughs without deliberate and repetitive, there is a possibility the person has a pathological laughing (pathological laughter).
These symptoms are a sign of an underlying medical condition and usually affects the nervous system. Pathological laughter is not related to a sense of humor, joy or other expressions of happiness.
The human brain acts as the cockpit of the human nervous system. This nervous system sends a signal that controls involuntary actions like breathing and intentional acts such as walking or laughing.
When the signal is chaotic, such as a chemical imbalance, abnormal brain growth or birth defects, it can cause a strange laughter.
Some medical conditions characterized by symptoms of pathological laughter, namely:
1. In 2007 a girl (3 years) in New York experienced an unusual seizure, and grinned and laughed during the seizure.
Doctors discovered that he has a rare form of epilepsy that causes involuntary laughter. Finally doctors forced to perform surgery to remove benign tumors in the brain and the forced laughter heals.
2. Brain tumors or cysts can also cause uncontrollable laughter and embarrassing.
3. Acute stroke can also be marked with pathological laughter.
4. Angelman syndrome, a rare chromosomal disorder that affects the nervous system.
People with this condition usually can not talk and was always pleased with the gesture is often smiling and laughing. This is because there is increased stimulation in the brain that controls happiness.
5. Tourette Syndrome
Is a neurobiological disorder that causes a combination of tics and loud noises. Other symptoms are these people could laugh without any reason.
6. Drug abuse or chemical addiction.
In the two conditions was laughing that occur due to damage in the course of the nervous system transmits signals.
7. Dementia and anxiety can also cause abnormal laughter.
As long as it is known that laughter is a sign of happiness and can also increase a person's mood for the better.
But if someone was suddenly laughing without any apparent reason, have twitching movements or tics, and looking slightly confused, then it might be shown laughter is one symptom of the disease.
As quoted from HowStuffWorks, Tuesday (22/06/2010) when a person laughs without deliberate and repetitive, there is a possibility the person has a pathological laughing (pathological laughter).
These symptoms are a sign of an underlying medical condition and usually affects the nervous system. Pathological laughter is not related to a sense of humor, joy or other expressions of happiness.
The human brain acts as the cockpit of the human nervous system. This nervous system sends a signal that controls involuntary actions like breathing and intentional acts such as walking or laughing.
When the signal is chaotic, such as a chemical imbalance, abnormal brain growth or birth defects, it can cause a strange laughter.
Some medical conditions characterized by symptoms of pathological laughter, namely:
1. In 2007 a girl (3 years) in New York experienced an unusual seizure, and grinned and laughed during the seizure.
Doctors discovered that he has a rare form of epilepsy that causes involuntary laughter. Finally doctors forced to perform surgery to remove benign tumors in the brain and the forced laughter heals.
2. Brain tumors or cysts can also cause uncontrollable laughter and embarrassing.
3. Acute stroke can also be marked with pathological laughter.
4. Angelman syndrome, a rare chromosomal disorder that affects the nervous system.
People with this condition usually can not talk and was always pleased with the gesture is often smiling and laughing. This is because there is increased stimulation in the brain that controls happiness.
5. Tourette Syndrome
Is a neurobiological disorder that causes a combination of tics and loud noises. Other symptoms are these people could laugh without any reason.
6. Drug abuse or chemical addiction.
In the two conditions was laughing that occur due to damage in the course of the nervous system transmits signals.
7. Dementia and anxiety can also cause abnormal laughter.
Health conscious of the Little Doctor
History had revealed the role of small physician who is spearheading the Business School Health program (UKS) in taking into account the health of schoolchildren. The doctor makes a small school so they are aware of healthy children.
Because of the importance of health awareness should be inculcated from childhood, a small physician at the elementary level would be revitalized in the future health of Indonesia could be a hero.
"I welcome and appreciate the efforts to revitalize the small doctor and revitalizing the role of health cadres," excerpts welcome the Minister of Health presented Dr. Budihardja, DTM & H, MPH, as Director General of Public Health Kemenkes, in the event movie 'Homeland Beta', in Studio Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (24/06/2010).
Small is a student doctor who was active in dealing with health issues in schools, particularly at the elementary level. Students who become too small a student doctor who excel academically.
"We select students who excel as physicians is small, so that they become an example for his friends to live healthy, and in order to balance between the activities of doctors with little academic achievement," said Hj. Sati, S. Pd, small doctor's companion of SDN 15 Pondok Labu, Cilandak, South Jakarta.
Sati also said that the usual activities of a small physician, among others active in the School Health Unit (UKS), gives an example of Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBs), such as washing hands with soap (HWWS), dispose of waste in place and always keeping the environment clean school.
In addition, doctors are also active in the small routine health checks for his friends at school, such as examination of height, weight, and eye health, which was then reported to the teachers and parents.
Health little hero is expected to be a role model and gives examples of healthy behavior and to other friends in the school environment.
Because of the importance of health awareness should be inculcated from childhood, a small physician at the elementary level would be revitalized in the future health of Indonesia could be a hero.
"I welcome and appreciate the efforts to revitalize the small doctor and revitalizing the role of health cadres," excerpts welcome the Minister of Health presented Dr. Budihardja, DTM & H, MPH, as Director General of Public Health Kemenkes, in the event movie 'Homeland Beta', in Studio Blitz Megaplex, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Thursday (24/06/2010).
Small is a student doctor who was active in dealing with health issues in schools, particularly at the elementary level. Students who become too small a student doctor who excel academically.
"We select students who excel as physicians is small, so that they become an example for his friends to live healthy, and in order to balance between the activities of doctors with little academic achievement," said Hj. Sati, S. Pd, small doctor's companion of SDN 15 Pondok Labu, Cilandak, South Jakarta.
Sati also said that the usual activities of a small physician, among others active in the School Health Unit (UKS), gives an example of Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBs), such as washing hands with soap (HWWS), dispose of waste in place and always keeping the environment clean school.
In addition, doctors are also active in the small routine health checks for his friends at school, such as examination of height, weight, and eye health, which was then reported to the teachers and parents.
Health little hero is expected to be a role model and gives examples of healthy behavior and to other friends in the school environment.
When the Tongue Color Green
The mouth is often regarded as a reflection of overall health. That is why all forms of interference in the oral cavity, especially the tongue, often associated with a disruption in the body often. So what does it mean when a green tongue?
Normally reddish pink tongue with a normal texture look smooth and soft. However, if there are lesions (nodules filled with fluid) or any kind of infection, the tongue will become discolored and display.
When the color of the tongue turns green, indicating the presence of infection can be local or systemic disturbance in the body.
As reported from Buzzle, Friday (25/06/2010), here are some of the causes of green discoloration of the tongue:
1. Hairy tongue syndrome
Hairy tongue syndrome (Hairy Tongue Syndrome) or lingua villosa nigra is a condition where there is growth of filiform papillae (the lining of the protruding part of slime at the top of the tongue) of excess on the dorsal surface of the tongue.
When these bacteria infect the papilla, it changes the color of the tongue, the tongue will usually appear black or green.
2. Oral candidiasis (oral)
One of the most common conditions that can cause a green tongue is an oral fungus or fungal mouth, usually caused by infection with the fungus Candida albicans.
This condition occurs mainly due to opportunistic infections in people with immune abnormalities. It is also seen in people who wear ill-fitting false teeth (prosthesis) in a very long time.
3. other causes
Irritation of the throat can also cause a green tongue, because it could be an extension of the upper respiratory tract infections.
In addition, long-term antibiotic use, smoking, mouthwash and toothpaste particular, drugs, or who are not related to health is the candy with green dye.
Normally reddish pink tongue with a normal texture look smooth and soft. However, if there are lesions (nodules filled with fluid) or any kind of infection, the tongue will become discolored and display.
When the color of the tongue turns green, indicating the presence of infection can be local or systemic disturbance in the body.
As reported from Buzzle, Friday (25/06/2010), here are some of the causes of green discoloration of the tongue:
1. Hairy tongue syndrome
Hairy tongue syndrome (Hairy Tongue Syndrome) or lingua villosa nigra is a condition where there is growth of filiform papillae (the lining of the protruding part of slime at the top of the tongue) of excess on the dorsal surface of the tongue.
When these bacteria infect the papilla, it changes the color of the tongue, the tongue will usually appear black or green.
2. Oral candidiasis (oral)
One of the most common conditions that can cause a green tongue is an oral fungus or fungal mouth, usually caused by infection with the fungus Candida albicans.
This condition occurs mainly due to opportunistic infections in people with immune abnormalities. It is also seen in people who wear ill-fitting false teeth (prosthesis) in a very long time.
3. other causes
Irritation of the throat can also cause a green tongue, because it could be an extension of the upper respiratory tract infections.
In addition, long-term antibiotic use, smoking, mouthwash and toothpaste particular, drugs, or who are not related to health is the candy with green dye.
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